Legend has it that, many years ago, as many as there are stars in the sky, a great storm surprised the Nahua people of Jalisco. That night, the sky was covered with clouds and a bolt of lightning coming straight from the very goddess Mayahuel fell on the fields of agaves. They burned for days.

After the storm, the wind brought a delicious aroma from the burned agaves. The fire had produced a sweet, aromatic honey with an extraordinary, almost heavenly, flavour. Thus the Nahua discovered that those plants held inside an exquisite liquid and, as an offering to the goddess Mayahuel, this ambrosia became the official drink of ceremonies and celebrations.

Much later, when the Spanish arrived in Mexico, a native woman served as interpreter, advisor and intermediary for Hernán Cortés. She showed him all their customs and traditions, including the popular drink of the gods. The Spanish settlers, who knew well how to distil alcohol, soon applied their techniques to the fermented agave juice, and that was how the first tequila was made. This brought the native girl and Hernán Cortés so close together that their love made her betray her people and she became the mother of a new Mexican race, the Mestizo race.
She is known as Malinche, a rebel who changed history, as authentic a legend as that of the sweet taste of the agave.

Legend has it that, many years ago, as many as there are stars in the sky, a great storm surprised the Nahua people of Jalisco. That night, the sky was covered with clouds and a bolt of lightning coming straight from the very goddess Mayahuel fell on the fields of agaves. They burned for days.

After the storm, the wind brought a delicious aroma from the burned agaves. The fire had produced a sweet, aromatic honey with an extraordinary, almost heavenly, flavour. Thus the Nahua discovered that those plants held inside an exquisite liquid and, as an offering to the goddess Mayahuel, this ambrosia became the official drink of ceremonies and celebrations.

Much later, when the Spanish arrived in Mexico, a native woman served as interpreter, advisor and intermediary for Hernán Cortés. She showed him all their customs and traditions, including the popular drink of the gods. The Spanish settlers, who knew well how to distil alcohol, soon applied their techniques to the fermented agave juice, and that was how the first tequila was made. This brought the native girl and Hernán Cortés so close together that their love made her betray her people and she became the mother of a new Mexican race, the Mestizo race.
She is known as Malinche, a rebel who changed history, as authentic a legend as that of the sweet taste of the agave.

Tequilas La Malinche are crafted by one of the legendary tequila houses of Jalisco, with more than 70 years of tradition and expertise. Tequilas del Señor was founded by Don César García in 1943, and has been producing outstanding tequilas for decades. Their high quality tequilas have been recognized all over the world with multiple awards.
Four generations of tequila making experience and tradition have contributed to strengthen and improve every step of the production process, painstakingly looking after the smallest detail to ensure consumers enjoy the best Tequila and all its nuances.
At Tequilas del Señor, we meet the highest global quality standards, as we wish to offer you the best flavour and also the best conditions.
Tequilas del Señor have the HACCP food safety certificate and KOSHER certification.
Tequilas La Malinche are crafted by one of the legendary tequila houses of Jalisco, with more than 70 years of tradition and expertise. Tequilas del Señor was founded by Don César García in 1943, and has been producing outstanding tequilas for decades. Their high quality tequilas have been recognized all over the world with multiple awards.
Four generations of tequila making experience and tradition have contributed to strengthen and improve every step of the production process, painstakingly looking after the smallest detail to ensure consumers enjoy the best Tequila and all its nuances.
At Tequilas del Señor, we meet the highest global quality standards, as we wish to offer you the best flavour and also the best conditions.
Tequilas del Señor have the HACCP food safety certificate and KOSHER certification.
Tequila has a rich legend, history and tradition both in how it is made and in the culture that surrounds it.
There are 140 types of agave, but to make tequila you can only use Agave tequilana Weber (blue agave). There are only 5 geographical areas authorised by the Tequila Regulatory Council, where this variety can be grown. The category takes its name from the main growing area, the town of Tequila, in the state of Jalisco (Mexico).
The harvest of the agave or maguey is called jima. The harvesters, called jimadores, cut off the leaves and the root of the agave, leaving only the heart or piña. The piñas are taken to the distillery where the juice is extracted, fermented and later distilled. Two distillations are performed to achieve the highest quality and elegance.
Depending on colour and ageing time, Tequila can be silver, aged for up to two months in white American oak barrels; or gold, aged from 2 and up to 7 years.
Tequila has a rich legend, history and tradition both in how it is made and in the culture that surrounds it.
There are 140 types of agave, but to make tequila you can only use Agave tequilana Weber (blue agave). There are only 5 geographical areas authorised by the Tequila Regulatory Council, where this variety can be grown. The category takes its name from the main growing area, the town of Tequila, in the state of Jalisco (Mexico).

The harvest of the agave or maguey is called jima. The harvesters, called jimadores, cut off the leaves and the root of the agave, leaving only the heart or piña. The piñas are taken to the distillery where the juice is extracted, fermented and later distilled. Two distillations are performed to achieve the highest quality and elegance.

Depending on colour and ageing time, Tequila can be silver, aged for up to two months in white American oak barrels; or gold, aged from 2 and up to 7 years.

Clean and bright, with silver
and grey glints and great depth.
Intense notes of baked agave
with hints of mint and citrus fruit.
Balanced, with delicate spicy notes
of black pepper.
Silky in the mouth with pleasant herbal notes
and a lovely acidity.
Slightly bitter aftertaste.

Clean and luminous. Amber-yellow with orange
and silver hues. Medium depth.
Notes of fresh and baked agave, with hints
of caramel laced with citrus notes
underscored by herbal hints.
Noticeably herbal with a sweet and
spicy lingering finish.
The two types of Tequila La Malinche can be used to make the following cocktails:


Clean and bright, with silver and grey glints and great depth.
Intense notes of baked agave with hints of mint and citrus fruit. Balanced, with delicate spicy notes of black pepper.
Silky in the mouth with pleasant herbal notes and a lovely acidity.
Slightly bitter aftertaste.

Clean and luminous. Amber-yellow with orange and silver hues. Medium depth.
Notes of fresh and baked agave, with hints of caramel laced with citrus notes underscored by herbal hints.
Noticeably herbal with a sweet and spicy lingering finish.